Sunday, May 3, 2009

Exciting Gardening Times

It has rained. And rained. And rained for the past several days. It is supposed to keep raining all week too. This is not good news for me, but it is good news for my garden.
For me, this is the most exciting time in my gardening year. Every time I go outside, something new has popped up out of the ground, and the rain is helping things move along more quickly.
Here are some of my "babies" (clockwise from top left): corn, potatoes, broccoli and cucumbers. It never ceases to amaze me what God can produce from a little seed.
My strawberries are coming along very nicely too. I had my eye on this, my first one, until a bird beat me to it. ) : I have since covered them with a net to keep the birds out.So, I'm trying not to complain about not being able to go for a walk, or that our grass is nearly knee-high, or that I'm just generally ready for some sunshine. I'm at least happy to know that my garden is flourishing. ( :

1 comment:

Pam said...

Your garden looks great... glad the rain is helping take care of your little garden 'babies'. You'll have to tell us what you make out of all the goodies you're sure to get from all this rain!

We're in the midst of a lot of rain too. Unpleasant, but better than drought right now. : )