Monday, October 13, 2008

Haircut Time!

Our dogs are cockapoos, which are cocker spaniel/poodle mixes. Because they are part poodle, they shed very little but have to be trimmed about 3 times a year. This would cost upwards of $50/each at a groomer, so I have learned to do it myself. It is no small task.

Nash is by nature more laid back than Dasha, so he is generally more cooperative for this project, though they both fight me when I do their legs and feet. He got to go first.

That wasn’t too bad.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a dog who won’t be still using a digital camera with a delay?

Don says Nash bears a striking resemblance to Richard Nixon with his hair short. What do you think?

Dasha is a pretty smart dog. She knew what was coming, so she set up camp under the bed.

"Dasha, it’s time for your haircut!"

"Come on, it’ll be fun!"

"Do I have to?"

"Maybe I can hide back here."

"Don’t just stand there taking pictures, Daddy. Save me!"

"Oh, it feels good to be done!"

If I knew how to turn this into yarn, I could knit myself a nice sweater!


Melissa said...! Okay so I never in a million years would of thought that much hair could come off of those little babies....WOW!

Angie said...

This is so "dog-gone" cute Jill....They are really cute little shaven pups!

happy belated birthday by the way...hope it was a great day!

MADDIE said...

Wow....You are so brave to do that yourself. They look really cute! I really need to start cutting Sonny and Cher myself because it is just so expensive to have them professionally groomed! I am glad Nash has turned out to be a good dog! Sonny is such a good dog, but we are having some trouble with Cher. She is so naughty!!!! Hopefully, she will turn out o.k. too!