Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate

Well, the vice-presidential debate of 2008 is history, and I must say I was more entertained than I was during the presidential debate. I actually like both of these candidates better than their running mates.
Sarah Palin seemed to be on the defense for the most part, defending herself in the areas where she has been accused of being weak: lack of experience, being out of touch with the middle class, etc. She also made a comment that she was glad to be able to appear directly before the people, "without the filter of the media," a reference to rumors that she was not doing well in behind-the-scenes interviews. Nervous in the beginning, she relaxed after a little while and "let ‘im have it."
I didn’t agree with Biden on much politically, but I think he is a person of substance. He has a lot of experience in Congress and a variety of life experience as well. It seems he has nothing to hide, unlike his running mate, whose background is a bit mysterious.
Both candidates spoke confidently and actually debated each other rather than just speaking to the camera, as Obama and McCain were corrected several times for doing.
If I were unbiased, it would be hard for me to say who won the debate, but since I’m not, and this is my blog, I would definitely have to say that it was Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I thought it was a great debate. I missed the Presidential one, but hope to catch the next one.