Saturday, October 25, 2008

What’s Bugging Me

Bug spray makes me sick. Not the kind you spray on yourself (though I don’t like that either), but the kind you spray in your house. I finally made the connection when I was repeatedly having terrible headaches and nausea for days on end, that it was happening after Don sprayed the house for bugs.
So I asked him not to do that anymore.

And now we have all sorts of little flying, crawling and hopping things taking up residence in our home, including my personal favorite, the brown recluse spider.

At least I think that’s what it is.

So what is the solution? If you think about it, bug sprays are poisons. What is poisonous enough to kill bugs can’t be very good for us or our pets, even in small amounts. Not to mention that it makes me sick. But is it worse than poisonous spiders?

At least the coming cooler weather should help the problem for now, but they’ll be back. They’re probably making little nests and laying little eggs in a dark corner of my closet right now. So I guess I will have to decide which is worse: being poisoned by bug spray or possibly being bitten by a poisonous spider. Hmmm . . .


Melissa said...

Tough choice. It seems like neither one is good; the spider bite would be instant pain where as poisonous spray is more of a silent predator.

Technonana said...

I've been told by our exterminator that they can't really kill spiders, all they can do is repell them.. so whatever you spray doesn't really help with spiders.
Sorry about the 'spray' making you sick, contact an exterminating company in your area, ours does spray inside the house... they usually only have to treat the outside. I do hope that is helpful!!

Angie said...

Bugs bug me too Jill. Just the sight of this terrible spider on your blog made the hair on my neck stand on end!! Yikes! I feel your pain though...we live in an older home that spiders like to dwell unfortunately...EEewww

Pam said...

My bug man only does his thing outside unless I've had some unusual problems or something like that. I've used him for years and he's only been in my house a handful of times.. and sometimes it's just to look around at something and then he treats it outside.