Monday, October 20, 2008

I’ve Been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Kay of Notes from the Wall, who I didn’t even know read my blog but found me through surfing (which is actually very exciting to me to know that anyone reads my blog by choice). Now I have to come up with 7 interesting things about myself. With all the blogging I do, there’s not much I haven’t revealed already (at least that I’m willing to reveal), but here goes:

1) I like to pop bubble wrap, especially the kind with the really big bubbles.
2) I only failed one class throughout my entire school career. It was a 1-hour course I took my freshman year in college, ironically called "How to Study."
3) I love looking at the stars and studying the constellations, but I can never see too many from my home in the suburbs.
4) I like pink and purple. I’m sure you wouldn’t have guessed that from my blog layout.
5) I don’t like talking on the phone. I am trying to find a part-time administrative-type job that is near home but doesn’t involve talking on the phone. Any suggestions?
6) I have never had "big" hair, even in the 80’s. My hair is fine and relatively straight so I would have to use gobs of gook to make it big, and I can’t stand to have gook in my hair. Plus, I’m a wash-and-go girl.
7) I don’t wear much makeup either. When I do, it’s eyeliner, mascara and blush. Occasionally a little tinted lip gloss for special occasions. Sometimes I forget to wear it at all.

Well, there are my 7 facts, for what they’re worth. Now for my 7 "victims" (which are some of my favorite blogs):

1) There’s Melissa, my sweet sister-in-law, at Jeter Journals, who is probably going to be upset with me because I’m tagging some of her friends too.
2) There’s Christy at Smith Stories, a mother of three who is working hard to get through college to become a dental hygenist.
3) There’s Britt at Let Your Hopes, Not Your Hurts, Shape Your Future. She is Christy’s almost-sixteen-year-old daughter, a young woman holding tight to her faith as she is making her way in the world through her teenage years.
4) There’s another Christy at God’s Girl Pearl, who is in my Bible study. She is a fairly new blogger and has some wonderful spiritual insight.
5) There’s Angie at Helton Happenings, a homeschool mom with a strong faith in God and a love for photography.
6) There’s Curry at Waiting Trusting Loving, another teenage girl with a heart for God, who believes God is calling her to mission work in Africa and is waiting to see what He will do in her life.
7) Lastly, there’s Shari at Encountering Ella, who has just adopted a beautiful baby girl from Guatemala and makes me want to do it too!

P.S.: Jennifer at Smelling Coffee would have been an obvious choice too, but she got tagged at the same time I did!


God's Girl Pearl said...

I am so excited to be tagged. And thank you for your kind words. It may be a few days before I can tag others. I will try before this weekend. See you at bible study.

Pam said...

That was fun.. thanks for sharing some interesting facts for all of us! :-D
