Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Can You Do?

I heard on the radio the other day that there was a study done recently among a group of young voters, asking them what their biggest concerns were about the election. It turned out that the overwhelming answer was, "What can my country do for me?"
We have come a long way from John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech with its famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." It seems we’ve since raised a generation of Americans who have their hands out and think their country owes them something.
I personally think this is the wrong attitude, and I have been pondering Kennedy’s quote over the last few days. What can we, average American citizens, do for our country? Here are a few answers I have come up with:
Vote. Take your children with you when you go so they can learn from your example. This is a freedom we shouldn’t take for granted. We need to put a lot of thought into who we elect to lead our country and make our voices heard.
Write your congressmen. Another way to make your opinions known. How can they represent you if they don’t know what you think?
Spend responsibly. Live within your means. Most of our current economic problems are caused by people who don’t do this.
Support our military. If you know a soldier, show your appreciation for the sacrifices they’ve made. Write them. Be supportive of families who may have loved ones away fighting for us. Remember, freedom isn’t free, and our soldiers are paying a price so we can keep the freedom we have.
Volunteer. Help out at a local school, work at election sites, pick up litter or help a friend or even a stranger in need. This seems to be a dying practice, but I believe people helping each other is one of the things that made our country great.
Be patriotic. Teach your children the pledge of allegiance. Put your flag out, especially on patriotic holidays. Show your colors!
Lastly and most importantly,
Pray. Pray for our leaders, for our military and for God to have mercy on our country. Right now we need to be praying for the upcoming election, that God will put Godly people in office. Pray for security and peace. Our country’s future is in God’s hands.
What other ways can you think of to serve our country?

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