Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And Skating

Abbie is my 4-year-old niece. She is full of personality and surprises, and pretty smart too.
Andy and Melissa have just recently started bringing her to church (as opposed to staying in the nursery), and she hasn’t quite learned all the proper "etiquette". This past Sunday she was sitting with us and coloring during the service, and I had no reason to believe she was listening to the sermon at all.
The pastor was talking about heaven and the new bodies we would have, and began listing all the things we would enjoy doing: running, jumping, swinging . . .
Suddenly a 4-year old voice piped up, "and skating!"
Abbie was oblivious to the giggle that swept through the congregation as she went back to her coloring.
P.S.: My oldest 2 nieces are blogging! Check out Gracie’s at and Hannah’s at

1 comment:

Angie said...

Yep...that's Abs alright!!
You can tell that you really love your nieces and nephew Jill. Very sweet.