Monday, September 15, 2008

James Galway

On Saturday night Don I went to see James Galway playing with the Nashville Symphony at the Schermerhorn Center. This was a late anniversary celebration for us.
Sir James Galway (he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2001) is quite possibly the best flute player in the world. I was both entertained and inspired by this amazing man. He holds his 20-karat gold flute at an odd angle when he plays, but obviously he knows what he’s doing. The sound coming out of it was phenomenal.
He has recorded over 60 CD’s, most of which are classical music, but he has also done some pop, folk and played on the soundtrack for one of the "Lord of the Rings" movies.
I couldn’t take pictures or videos during the concert, but there are a number of videos of him playing on Youtube, including this one.
It was an impressive concert. I doubt I’ll ever play flute anywhere near as well as he does, but he at least gave me something to strive for.
Cool Thing to Know: If you’re a flute player, James Galway gives some great tutorials on his website (go to the "You Tube Sir James" section).


Melissa said...

that is so neat you got a picture with him. sounds like you had a great time.

Smelling Coffee said...

How beautiful! Makes me want to get out my nickle plated flute and see if I can still make a sound in it! :-)