Saturday, September 27, 2008


My dad and I had lunch together yesterday, which we try to do a couple of times a month. We ate at what has become one of our favorite restaurants, Couser’s. It is just across the street from the zoo on Nolensville Road.

It is a meat-and-three kind of place that is not fancy, but has a comfortable atmosphere, friendly staff and good food at reasonable prices. We have never had a very long wait to be seated or to get our food. The average price for a meal is $6-$7. They also have sandwiches and a la carte items.

My favorite meal is the "Hot Roast Beef Sandwich." The roast beef is served on 2 slices of bread with gravy on it. It comes with mashed potatoes and cole slaw. My dad prefers the "High Brow" meals, where he can choose a meat, 2 or 3 vegetables and a bread. He thinks they have the best mashed potatoes he has ever eaten. They are pretty good. They have a number of other good vegetables and side dishes to choose from too, some standard and some daily specials.

I would recommend this restaurant if you want some "real" food without paying too much for it and enjoy a relaxed, homestyle atmosphere.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I just noticed that restaurant when we were leaving the zoo yesterday! Sounds yummy!