Monday, September 1, 2008

Mourning the End of a Season

Well, it’s Labor Day, and that always makes me sad because it symbolically marks the end of summer. I guess summer more or less ended when school started back, but Labor Day kind of makes it official.

I love summer: the long days, the slower pace of life, lighter traffic in the mornings, gardening, the smell of freshly-cut grass, grilling, swimming pools, picnics, fresh produce, sandals, shorts and T-shirts. Basically I like everything about it except bugs and when the weather is extremely hot.

My husband is a "winter" person, which I just don’t understand at all. Who wants cold weather, short days, dry skin, driving in snow and having to put on a coat to go outside?

Oh well, at least that’s a short season here. I do enjoy fall and spring, and I can survive winter. At least I hope I can.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I like summer for the same reasons you do, but we are definitely FALL people. I'll probably blog sometime about all the things I love about fall yeah, just like the 100 things about me....but seriously I'll try. Happy Labor Day!