Saturday, August 2, 2008


Last night Don and I watched the movie "Bella." I really didn’t know what it was about but had heard it was good. Don was only convinced to watch it with me because Rush Limbaugh had recommended it on his website as one of his current favorites.

The rating was PG-13; it was clean, but there were some disturbing scenes – probably not for young children.

I was pretty well captivated from the beginning. Don got a little bored in parts of it (he prefers action), but he seemed to like it better as it progressed. The characters are very real and the story line, without being judgmental, demonstrates the sanctity of human life and the beauty of unselfish giving. It also portrays Latin Americans in a very positive light.

I won’t spoil it by revealing the ending, but let me say that Don and I both had tears running down our faces when it was over (he gave me permission to share this). The thing that’s significant about this is that I have known my husband for four and a half years, and I have NEVER seen him cry before.

If you’re looking for a wholesome movie that is a bit gut-wrenching, this is one to see.

P.S.: Happy 11th Anniversary Andy and Melissa!

Cool Thing to Know: The Metro (Nashville) Library has videos and DVD’s you can check out for a week at a time at no charge. They have almost any movie you would want, and will sometimes order one for you if you request it. I’m sure other cities offer this service as well.


Anonymous said...

We'll have to "check" that one out. Sounds good. We are home safe and sound, a little sad, but happy to be home. Thank you for our anniversary wishes.

Anonymous said...

I am going on Netflix to order this. Jeff will watch "anything" or agree with anything Rush is in favor of!!