Saturday, August 23, 2008

Keeping Up With the Bloggers

Well, what do you think of my new look? I got tired of looking at the blank space on the sides of the screen so decided to spice it up a little bit. I’m still working on my color scheme though. If you don’t use one of the color schemes Blogspot provides you with, you have to be a genius to figure out how to create one.

I’ve added a couple of new things to the sidebar too, in an effort to keep up with my sister-in-law, Melissa, which, by the way, is a losing battle. She’s beating me, hands down. But she has an advantage in that she has four kids to blog about, plus a husband, a dog and a cat. Incidentally, she does have some really cute pictures of her and her kids (my nieces and nephew) on there, taken by her friend Christy.

And speaking of trying to keep up, I’ve noticed that everyone else has creative titles for their blog. My title is "Jill’s Blog."

I have considered this problem, but I have decided that it is symbolic of my personality: at first glance it may not seem like there’s much to it, but if you look a little deeper, you’ll find there’s a lot there.

So that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


Melissa said...

I LOVE your blogs. They are very refreshing, thoughtful and I always learn something new. I think you have the gift of teaching and I have cherished your wisdom from the beginning of our relationship. I am scatterbrained and not at all purposeful in my blogs. Yours are very, very good and I enjoy them so much. Don't change a thing!

Jill said...

Thanks! I enjoy yours too. ( :

MADDIE said...

I love your new look! No one can keep up with Mel...she is the "blogging queen"! I agree with Mel that your blogs have a purpose and I too love reading them!