Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leave Her Alone

I rarely sympathize with liberals politically, but this is one occasion when I would have to sympathize with one personally.

I read Elizabeth Edwards’ autobiography a year or two ago. I like to read biographies about all kinds of people, and hers was pretty good. I think she’s genuine, and I respect her as a person, even if I don’t agree with her on much politically.

Most people know that she had a son killed in a car wreck as a teenager and that she has cancer now that is considered incurable. It became common knowledge recently that her husband had an affair a couple of years ago. What a jerk.

But yesterday I read a news article that said she is being criticized for keeping the affair a secret when she found out about it. What’s wrong with these people? Hasn’t this poor woman suffered enough? And why in the world would she want to share her pain and humiliation on a matter that is strictly between her and her husband, knowing full well how the media handles things like that: delving into the most private details of people’s lives, blowing them out of proportion, and splattering them all over the covers of newspapers and gossip magazines for people to gawk over while they’re standing in line at the grocery store?

I think the media needs to quit whipping this poor, wounded woman and mind their own business.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Love your opinion. The media really does stink!
Love your blog Jill. You are a great writer...very gifted in that. Keep up the great work!