Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Anyone who believes in evolution should consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the concept of entropy, that nature tends to take things from order to disorder, not disorder to order, which is more or less the basis of their theory.
My house is a classic example of this. I vacuum my floor. It’s just a matter of time before it will be covered with dust, hair, dirt, leaves, dog toys, grass clippings and shredded phone book (see picture in my "bunny" blog). My yard is another example. I mow the grass, and it looks nice and pretty. Fast forward one week: a happy home for Tarzan. I weed my gardens and flower beds, and within a few days it’s time to start over. I put leftover food in my refrigerator, and well, let’s just say that if you open any containers in there, you do so at your own risk.
Then there are my sinks and bathtub. I would expect them to stay nice and clean because of all the soap and water that runs through them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Does anyone know why soap and water get everything else clean, but leave "scum" on your sinks and bathtubs?
I just put all my shoes away the other day, so why are there five pairs scattered around my floor right now? My niece came over recently, took a look in my closet, and offered to clean it for me. Why should she need to? I just cleaned it a few months ago. And what would be the point anyway?
So why intelligent people would choose to believe that all of life evolved from a one-celled sea creature with no brain is beyond me. As far as I can tell, we’re having to fight to keep from heading back that way.


Anonymous said...

I REALLY think you should write a book. You write SO well. I'm still laughing at this one and trying to figure out which niece it was, I think I know.

Jill said...

Probably the one you expect: GCJ.

Anonymous said...

thought so.