Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of Class

Well, yesterday was my first day back at Community Bible Study and my first day leading the kids’ class. It actually went pretty well. I had 5 kids, ages 6 and 7. Two of them were my nieces, Grace and Hannah. So far it is a very calm and well-behaved but enthusiastic group. Hopefully this will continue. I am excited about studying Genesis with them this year. I would appreciate your continued prayers as I go through the year.

Cool Thing to Know: Cain and Abel are the most well-known children of Adam and Eve, but Genesis says they had many sons and daughters. The only other one mentioned by name is Seth, who was an ancestor of Noah and therefore of you and me.


Smelling Coffee said...

You did a great job! We're so thankful for you!!!!!

Melissa said...

Sorry that I haven't gotten a chance to e-mail you back. Yesterday was a very BUSY, but fun-filled day. The girls LOVED your class. We are about to do their "homework" although I don't like to call it that b/c it is so much better than old homework. Maybe I'll call it "lovework". Thank you for your devotion to the Lord in teaching the children, you are awesome! I had a blast too and can't wait to get into the "meat" of the study.